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#Git Hooks

With Velociraptor you can link your scripts to git hooks in order to easily share them with your teammates.

ℹ️ Vr git hooks support bash/zsh, fish and PowerShell.

#Linking scripts to hooks

To link one of your scripts to a particular git hook add a gitHook property to its definition:

    cmd: deno fmt
    gitHook: pre-commit

A git hook can be linked to a single vr script. In order to execute multiple scripts in a single git hook, create a composite script that executes the other scripts (more on this topic in Composite scripts):

  lint: deno lint
  format: deno fmt
      - vr lint
      - vr format
    gitHook: pre-commit

#Installing hooks

To start using hooks, link at least one of your scripts to a git hook, then run any vr command:

$ vr

If you see the message

✅ Git hooks successfully installed

you're good to go! From now on your git hooks will be managed by Velociraptor.

Don't forget to tell your users or teammates to run vr at least once in order to activate hooks.

#Using git args

Git hook arguments are not passed directly to your scripts, but instead inside a GIT_ARGS shell array. So to access them simply write ${GIT_ARGS[1]}, ${GIT_ARGS[2]} etc. instead of $1, $2, ...:

    cmd: npx commitlint -x @commitlint/config-conventional -e ${GIT_ARGS[1]}
    desc: Checks commit messages format
    gitHook: commit-msg

ℹ️ If you need to write complex multiline scripts, consider using yaml block strings (|) or ES template literals.

#Skipping hooks

To prevent Velociraptor from installing and running hooks, set the VR_HOOKS env variable to false (for example in your CI configuration).