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Velociraptor accepts YAML, JSON, TypeScript or JavaScript configuration files. Config files can be named scripts.<EXT> or velociraptor.<EXT> where EXT is one of yml, yaml, json, ts, js or mjs .

Deno configuration files (deno.json/deno.jsonc) are supported as well: specify your config under the velociraptor key.


In its simplest form, the scripts mapping behaves like in package.json: the keys are script names and the values are command strings:

# scripts.yaml
  start: deno run --allow-net server.ts
  test: deno test --allow-net server_test.ts
// scripts.json
  "scripts": {
    "start": "deno run --allow-net server.ts",
    "test": "deno test --allow-net server_test.ts"
// scripts.ts
export default {
  scripts: {
    start: "deno run --allow-net server.ts",
    test: "deno test --allow-net server_test.ts",

#Compact deno run

When a command starts with a .ts or .js file, deno run is automatically prepended:

  start: server.ts # Equivalent to `deno run server.ts`

#More script options

Scripts can also be objects:

    desc: Runs the server
    cmd: deno run --allow-net server.ts

In this case the command(s) are specified in the cmd property. Use the desc property to provide a description of what the script does, it'll be shown in the list of available scripts (when running vr without arguments).

More script object properties are detailed in the next guides.

#Config files reference

See the complete config files reference here.